Teen Press

Ever been curious what is going on around the world? Ever wondered what is on people's minds? Ever wanted to sit down and ask the story behind a person? If any of these statements remind you of yourself, I am looking for YOU, YOU WONDERFUL HUMAN BEING. Just keep reading, we have something interesting for you.
Window on America in Poltava and FLEX Ukraine alumna'17 - Nina Kurochka are organizing Poltava Teen Press. Poltava Teen Press is a follow-up project of the quarterly elective program in Santa Barbara Middle School. What is Teen Press? Teen Press was designed as a 2-5 day classroom curriculum for Middle School students (grades 6-9) to bring inspiration and empowerment into the classroom. It has grown into the program around the U.S. and the world. Teen Press is a weapon of mass construction. Its purpose is much larger than teaching kids journalism. Teen Press teaches students communication skills, self-confidence, teamwork, authentic relationships and helps kids discover the value of their own story.
Teen Press is not just curriculum for the school. It is a curriculum for life.
- Vladimir, Teen Press Parent
To join Poltava Teen Press you should fill in this form https://goo.gl/forms/ZFXv4sBvsXzBvbct1
For more information visit teenpress.org follow the link to Teen Press trailer and watch the video below.
